Zero-click content refers to any piece of content that doesn’t require you to click through to find the information you need. It is a concept that has made a buzz in the marketing world for a while and has become all the more relevant in the era of dark social. In this article, we will learn what zero-click content is, why it is important, and how to create it.

What is Zero-Click Content?

Zero-click content is any content that provides the information a user is looking for without requiring them to click through to a website or other platform. 

Examples of zero-click content include featured snippets in Google, knowledge graphs, answer boxes, X threads with lists, stories, or step-by-step instructions, LinkedIn carousels with slides that explain a concept, YouTube Shorts, and People Also Ask box in Google.

Why is Zero-Click Content on The Rise?

Zero-click content has been a trend in Google for some time. Just look at any search and see what you see at the top of the results. There is almost no need to click through to the original source.

Zero-click content is on the rise on social media platforms due to several factors. It is particularly effective in the era of dark social, where social media platforms and algorithms deprioritize external links. 

Zero-click content, which provides immediate value without requiring users to leave the platform, is prioritized on almost every social media platform because it keeps users on the platform scrolling for a longer period, viewing and engaging with more ads, and ultimately providing more value to the platforms natively. 

This trend is further reinforced by the fact that most platforms and algorithms dislike external links, and users often aren’t interested in clicking them. Therefore, creating zero-click content can help businesses adapt to these changes and improve their engagement, reach, and brand sentiment on social media platforms.

The Impact of Zero-Click Content on B2B Marketing

For B2B marketers, zero-click content represents both an opportunity and a threat. On one hand, if your website ranks highly in featured snippets or knowledge graphs, you can gain significant visibility and establish authority within your industry. This also applies to social media content: if you have a post with a lot of engagement many people will notice your (personal) brand.

This way, users can now obtain valuable information directly from search engine results or a social media platform. Zero-click content can help your company differentiate from competitors by demonstrating thought leadership through unique perspectives, valuable insights, expertise, and innovative ideas.

While this benefits users by providing instant answers, it poses challenges for businesses trying to drive organic traffic.

On the other hand, zero-click content can divert traffic away from your website, making it harder to generate leads and conversions. This shift in user behavior means that B2B marketers must adapt their strategies to ensure they remain visible and relevant in this changing landscape.

How to Create Zero-Click Content?

Creating zero-click content requires a shift in mindset from ‘I want to measure everything’ to ‘I want to create content that provides value to my audience’. To create zero-click content, companies should focus on providing comprehensive information that answers the user’s query. 

This can be achieved by creating content that is engaging and provides value to an audience. To create zero-click content, start by understanding your audience, their needs, and their pain points. This understanding will guide the content they create by providing topics. 

Tips for creating zero-click content for LinkedIn or other social media:

  • Create a good opening hook that makes people want to read on.
  • Use short scannable text
  • Add eye-catching visuals, and use contrasting colors so people stop scrolling. See the example of my carousel:

Tips for creating zero-click content for Google are:

  • Answer the search question directly with as much detail as possible.
  • Make use of tables or lists.
  • Make sure you use Structured Data to indicate what your content is about.

How Do You Measure Zero-Click Content?

To gauge the success of zero-click content, focus on metrics such as impressions, likes, comments, shares, and reposts. Additionally, consider utilizing brand lift measurements to determine whether your zero-click content is enhancing your brand’s visibility and awareness. I like to use Google Search Console to see if brand searches are going up.


Zero-click content is any content that provides the information a user is looking for without requiring them to click through to a website or other platform. 

It is important in the era of dark social because it can help businesses establish authority and lead to more exposure (and brand visibility) on various platforms.